Pet Doors - Freedom For Your Pets

As any pet owner will say, cats and dogs simply love roaming freely around the home and garden, so to be there every time your beloved pet wants to go in or out of the house can become quite the chore. Having a Pet Door is a fantastic way of offering your cat or dog the freedom to come and go as they please. This can help reduce stress and to prevent your pets scratching habits at the door when they want to be let in or out.

As you are allowing your pet out as and when they please, there are a few things you should consider to help keep your pet safe:

  • Is your garden safe; are there any objects or obstacles that may cause injury?
  • Are there any toxic plants in the garden that may harm your pet if eaten?
  • Is your pet likely to roam beyond the garden?
  • Is the area surrounding your home safe for your pet if they do choose to wonder beyond the garden?
  • Is your pet Microchipped in case they go missing?

Pet Flaps can be fitted in doors, walls or even windows and come in a wide range of shapes and sizes to suit the needs of your pet. Often optional adaptors such as tunnel extenders are available, increasing the ease of installation.


Types of Pet Door:

Lockable Pet Doors
Pet Doors such as the Large Cat Flap by Cat Mate allows for 4 different lockable positions; Unlocked / In Only / Out Only / Locked, giving you complete control of your pets access to and from the home.


Electromagnetic/Controlled Pet Doors
Having a Pet Door is a great way of giving your pets that extra bit of freedom, but can, unfortunately, open up your home to unwanted stray pets which can become a problem.

Electromagnetic Pet Flaps allow you to control who can have access to your home via a magnet which simply attaches to your pets collar. This triggers the flap to unlock when your pet tries to enter or exit the home, which then locks again a short while after.

This adds security to your home helping to keep stray animals out whilst still giving your pet complete access in or out of the home. Also ideal if you have more than one pet, but don’t want to allow both to freely use the door.

Timer controlled pet doors allow you to specify the time the flap opens to allow your cataccess in and out of the home

The cat Mate Timer Control Flap is a perfect example of this  and has 5 different lockable positions and functions for complete control.


To view a full range of Pet Flaps for both cats and dogs, Click Here